Creative District Signature Events

Live Music & Recorded Event


Mixed in Mancos – March 8, 2025

Mixed in Mancos is an annual celebration of local music presented by the Mancos Creative District. During the first full weekend of March, three bands from the Four Corners region perform at the Mancos Opera House. This event is recorded, and a live album is later released on CD and vinyl. The craft of songwriting is promoted through the selection of original tunes, and local visual art is featured on the album.

5th Annual BurroFest!

BurroFest  – June 21, 2025

BurroFest supports our vibrant and active artist community by offering opportunities for artists of all mediums to work with live animal models and share their art with the community. It supports local businesses, serving as one of the highest sales days of the year for our downtown businesses, including art galleries and shops, as well as the local gas station, grocery stores, and motels. Most importantly, this event supports the well-being of our community as a celebration and an opportunity to come together, celebrate the arts, exhibit the animals we cherish, and showcase our rich rural character. 


3rd Annual Writer's Conference

Several events running from July 9-12, 2025

Our expanded writers conference includes a night of public readings, two-day generative writers workshop, and a town wide literary festival.

Immerse yourself in natural beauty in this wild place as you work with award-winning writers. Listen to your inner voice, take risks, and break from routine. This is a generative conference and work you create may become a finished story, personal essay, novel, or poem.


4th Annual in 2025!

Mancos Art Market – November 30, 2025

The Mancos Art Market is held on the Sunday following the Thanksgiving holiday, bringing the national celebration of Artist Sunday to our rural community. The event encourages community members and visitors to purchase works of local art and art classes for the holidays by visiting our downtown galleries and shops, as well as the Mancos Opera House and Fenceline Cidery, which host 40+ local artists and makers from around the region to demonstrate and sell their crafts. This year will be the fourth year of hosting the Mancos Art Market and community members frequently comment on how they look forward to and appreciate the warm community vibe of the event.


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