About the Mancos Creative District

Meeting in the spring of 2014, locals began to work with Colorado Creative Industries on becoming a certified Creative District. Mancos is a unique melting pot of artists and artisans, farmers, ranchers, local independent businesses and visitors.

In 2021 we received our re-certification as a Creative District. We host two annual events, working collaboratively with the entire community, further the economic development of our small, rural Colorado town. We work to find unique ways support the vision and talents of local groups and individuals to help create a thriving future for our entire community.

Our mission is to build and sustain a welcoming, diverse and active creative culture that benefits the Mancos Valley both socially and economically.

Creativity is Good for Business

We believe our many creative industries are vital to a thriving local economy.

We will work to support our creative communities and the District to foster economic vibrance and income opportunities.


By connecting creatives to money & resources to grow their business.

By creating opportunities to sell art & promote creative industries.

By supporting development that makes Mancos a viable place for creatives to live & work.

Creativity is Good for Connections

We believe we strengthen our community when build bridges through creativity.

We will work to foster creative opportunities that build connection, collaboration, and understanding.


By facilitating collective creative experiences and projects.

By fostering conditions for learning and connection across cultures and age groups.

By serving as a hub to inspire collaborations between organizations.

Creativity is Good for Identity

We believe there is value in the unique & creative identity of our community.

We will work to amplify the specialness of our community through public art, events, and brand-aware marketing.


By coordinating public art and beautification that celebrates the diverse peoples and natural landscapes of the Mancos Valley.

By providing creative leadership to enrich the efforts of other organizations serving the people of Mancos.

By refining our marketing and signature events to showcase the area culture and talent

Committed to Diversity, Inclusion, and the Vibrant Cultures That Make Our Community Beautiful

The Mancos Creative District is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and empowered. As a non profit organization, we recognize the importance of embracing diversity and celebrating multiculturalism in all aspects of our work. Our commitment to anti discrimination and proactive multiculturalism is integral to achieving our mission of promoting creativity, cultural exchange, and economic and social development through the arts.

Through our signature events, we hope to support a creative community that embraces diversity and welcomes all.


  • Chelsea Lunders / Executive Director
  • Stephanie Hallam / Events Coordinator
  • Jody Chapel / Mancos School of the West Coordinator


  • T.J. Zark / President
  • Rick Eisenberg / Vice President & Treasurer
  • Mark Stevens / Secretary
  • Nathan Schmidt
  • Lisa Taylor
  • Erik Nordstrom
  • Liz Perry
  • Tess Lynston

Powered by volunteers and partners

The Mancos Creative District is a partnership between the many businesses, individuals, and organizations that so enrich the Mancos community: Town of Mancos, Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce, Mancos Common Press, Mancos Opera House, Mancos Valley Resources, Mount Lookout Grange, the Mancos School District, and our many galleries, shops, and restaurants within the district.

These six goals were developed with the feedback from our community

Goal #1:

Leverage the Mancos Creative District to create economic vitality and promote job creation.

Goal #2:

Engage the community and its youth in promoting social cohesiveness and understanding through cultural activities.

Goal #3:

Build a stronger collective creative community.

Goal #4:

Beautify the Mancos community to attract visitors, help businesses thrive and improve the community’s image.

Goal #5:

Celebrate and honor the cultural heritage of the Mancos Valley.

Goal #6:

Develop a sustainable creative district so that it can continue to promote the Mancos Valley for years to come.


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